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Please note that
candidates must be aged 16+ to enrol on any of these courses
City & Guilds Introduction to
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle High Energy Systems - Level 1
Working with electric vehicles can be dangerous. This course
introduces you to precautions to avoid potential injury and stay safe when working with or around high-voltage vehicle systems
& Guilds Level 2 Award in Safe Maintenance of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
This qualification is designed for people who work on or near electric
vehicles and who require the knowledge and skills to correctly and safely
isolate and re-energise an electric vehicle. The qualification covers the
competence and knowledge to isolate and re-energise an electric vehicle as well
as safe working practices and essential knowledge of the hazards associated
with electric vehicles.
& Guilds Level 3 Award in Component Removal and Replacement in Electric and
Hybrid Vehicles
This qualification is designed for people looking to develop their
knowledge and skills allowing them to safely carry out the removal and
replacement of components on electric vehicle systems. The qualification covers
the competence and knowledge to safely carry out the removal and replacement of
components in isolated high-voltage systems in an electric vehicle. High
voltage systems include the powertrain and ancillary systems. This
qualification also ensures that candidates are aware of the effect that high-voltage component technology has on other vehicle systems.